Algerian Sci-Tech Scholars and Competences Abroad consists of a team of multi-disciplinary scientists located around the globe whose goal is to connect Sci-Tech researchers and entrepreneurs in Algeria.
Algerian Sci-Tech Scholars and Competences Abroad wants to promote excellence in Algerian Sci-Tech Research, Start-Up Collaboration, and Partnership.
The Algerian Sci-Tech Scholars and Competences Abroad wants a portal that will enable the users to:
- Search for Algerian Sci-Tech collaborators
- Submit ideas for collaboration and exchanges
- Dynamic announcement of worldwide Sci-Tech resource information
- Link and Navigation of worldwide Sci-Tech networks and journals
- To be the Hub of Algerian Sci-Tech Exchange In support of Algerian Institutions.
- The portal builds up the information sharing and realizes the material resource sharing through the information and networking technology.
- Facilitate the science and technology resource exchange and collaboration
- Give opportunity to all of those who want to contribute to Algeria Sci-Tech to be involved.
- Ensure the equal opportunity for the whole society to share the science and technology resources and participate in the science and technology innovation.
- Promote the ability of the science and technology innovation in Algeria.
- Attract Investors and entrepreneurs to consider Algerian Sci-Tech projects
Dr. Mohamed Boudjelal
Dr. Mohamed Boudjelal, Director of Drug Discovery and Chairman of Core Facility, KAIMRC, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Boudjelal is the inventor of a number of therapies, a few of which are marketed medicines.
He is a member of a number of international research organizations:
- Member of the Algerian Science and Technology Council
- Founding member of the Algerian Competences Association
- Founding Member of the Science Edit For the Developing World.
Dr. Ahmed Chenna
Dr. Ahmed Chenna holds a Ph.D. from the University of Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland, (UK), and worked as a postdoctoral researcher, at the Department of Pharmacological Sciences, School of Medicine, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, then as a staff Scientist in the University of Berkeley-Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and as a senior scientist and lab supervisor in the Advanced Technologies Group in ACLARA Biosciences. Dr. Chenna also worked as a principal scientist in the oncology group at Monogram Biosciences Inc and is currently in Laboratory Corporation of America, Oncology and Neurosciences research.
Dr. Chenna authored over 90 technical publications & conference abstracts including 13 US patents and has over 30 years of experience in research, development, and supervision of scientists, research associates, and graduate students in academia and biotechnology companies.
Dr. Mohamed Belhocine
Mohamed Belhocine, Assistant Professor at the Molecular Medicine Department of the Jawhara Center and Arabian Gulf University of Bahrain. Mohamed holds an MSc in Microbiology from the University of Blida (Algeria), a bachelor’s Degree in cell and molecular biology, an MSc in bioinformatics, genomics and structural biochemistry, and a PhD. in Bioinformatics and Genomics from Luminy University (France).
His research focuses on the application of large-scale genomic approaches to understand epigenetic mechanisms associated with the development of normal and leukemic lymphoid cells. Through his experience in laboratories as the Center of Immunology Marseille Luminy (CIML) and the Technological Advances for Genomics and Clinics Laboratory (TAGC), Mohamed has acquired extensive knowledge in experimental and computational biology, specifically in transcriptome analysis and chromatin immuno-precipitation coupled with deep sequencing (CHIP-Seq) and RNA-sequencing analysis. Mohamed is proficient in R, python, and JAVA. Mohamed is a Senior Bioinformatician at Jawhara Center, supervising a clinical NGS analysis. Additionally, Mohamed develops and oversees research training programs at several Algerian universities.
Prof. Mahieddine Djoudi
Laboratory. His main scientific interests are e-Learning; Learning Analytics, Computer Supported Collaborative Work, Information Literacy and Sentiment Analysis. He has published over 60 scientific papers, as well as chapters in the books which deal with Technology Enhanced Learning. He is also a member of program committees, editor or reviewer for international journals or conferences proceedings. His teaching interests include Programming, Data Bases, Artificial Intelligence and Web Technology. He is a member of the “Digital Practices Awareness” project and the Learning Analytics Working Group. He is also the webmaster of several content management systems and eLearning platforms. It collaborates with several Algerian universities in the organization of scientific events, post-graduate teaching and participation in research projects.
Pr. Maamar Bettayeb
Professor Maamar Bettayeb received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1976, 1978, and 1981, respectively.
He worked as a Research Scientist at the Bellaire Research Center at Shell Oil Development Company, Houston, Texas, USA. From 1982 to 1988, He directed the Instrumentation and Control Laboratory of the High Commission for Research in Algeria.
In 1988, He joined the Electrical Engineering Department at King FFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
He has been a Professor at the University of Sharjah UAE since August 2000. He is the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Sharjah, starting September 2014.
He has published over 350 journal and conference papers in the fields of control, optimization, renewable energy, and signal processing. His recent research interest is in process control, fractional dynamics and control, soft computing, renewable energies, and engineering education.
Pr. Djaouida Chenaf
Dr. Djaouida Chenaf is a full professor of civil engineering at the Royal Military College of Canada. She is also an adjunct professor in the department of CGM at Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering specializing in structural design from the University of Sciences and Technology of Algiers in 1988, an MSc in Soil mechanics and géotechnique from Université de Moncton in NB, and a Ph.D. in Hydrogeology and Environmental studies from Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal. Her current research interests are in geotechnical engineering, physical hydrogeology and groundwater control and dewatering, non-destructive methods applied to soils-water-structure interactions under static and dynamic loadings, climate change effects on the hydro-mechanical behaviors of both frozen and unfrozen soils, Geo-hazards considerations in designing new infrastructures and rehabilitation of existing ones.
Pr. Nouredine Fenineche
Professor Nouredine FENINECHE has obtained his Ph.D. Thesis in Mechanical Engineering and Materials from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC), Juin 1990, France. His main Research activities and expertise are focused on: New and innovative materials for energy and hydrogen storage using both Ab initio calculations and experimental elaboration: Elaboration of Nanomaterials for IT-SOFC Fuel Cells. Magnetic thin films for Sensors and actuators, DMS materials for spintronic applications, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Coatings intended for magnetic shielding using HVOF and cold spraying, Magnetic materials processed by Selective laser Melting SLM and 3D and 4D printing. His scientific production of more than 130 papers in international reviews journals (refereed Journals), 2 book Chapters, 135 international conferences reviewed and proceedings, and more than 40 international conferences with a personal invitation.
Pr. Saad Harous
Prof. Saad Harous obtained his Ph.D. in computer science from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA in 1991. He has more than 30 years of experience in teaching and research in three different countries: USA, Oman and UAE. He is currently a Professor and Chairperson of Computer Science, at the College of Computing and Informatics, in University of Sharjah. His teaching interests include programming, data structures, design and analysis of algorithms, operating systems and networks. His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, P2P delivery architectures, wireless networks, VANET, and the use of computers in education and processing Arabic language. He has published more than 200 journal and conference papers. He is an IEEE senior member.
Dr. Said Dermime
Senior Scientist, Director of Translational Cancer Research Facility.
National Center for Cancer Care and Research Hamad Medical Corporation.
Adjunct Associate Professor, Hamad Bin Khalifa University.
Dr. Said Dermime obtained his PhD degree in immunology from Salford University, Manchester, UK in 1992. He then joined the NCI, Milan (Italy) from 1992-1994; then the NHLBI, NIH, (USA) from 1995-1997 as postdoctoral fellow. He was a Leader of the Lymphoma-Cancer Vaccine Team at the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester (UK) for a period of 5 years; then he was appointed as Senior Scientist to establish and lead the Tumor Immunology Section at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh (KSA) for a period of 6 years. In 2015, Dr. Said joined NCCCR at HMC, Doha (Qatar) as a director of the Translational Cancer Research Facility. Dr. Said published over 90 peer-reviewed articles in high impact factor journal. He also published several Book Chapters in prestigious publishers and an editor reviewer for the Frontiers in Immunology journal and a reviewer for many prestigious international scientific journals. Dr. Said obtained several grants and supervised many Master and PhD students.
Pr. Messaoud Bounkhel
Prof. Messaoud bounkhel received the B.S. degree in Mathematics from University of Batna, Algeria, in 1994 and the M.S. degree in Mathematics from University of Montpellier 2, France in June 1995. He received the Ph.D in Mathematics (Nonsmooth Analysis) from University of Montpellier 2, France in January 1999. From 1999 to 2001, he was a Researcher-Teacher in CMM (Centro de Modelamiento Matematico), Santiago de Chile, Chile. He joined the department of Mathematics in KSU, Saudi Arabia in 2001 as Assistant Professor. He promoted at KSU to Associate Professor in 2004 and to to Full Professor in 2008. His research interest includes Nonsmooth Analysis, Mathematical Modeling, Optimization, Differential inclusions, Variational Inequalities, Optimal control theory and applications. He got the prize : King Saud University Award for Scientific Excellence (Award for best book author) for the year 2012/2013 for his book:“Regularity concepts in Nonsmooth Analysis: Theory and Applications, (304 pages), December 2012, Springer Optimization and its Applications, Vol. 59”. He also got the prize of “best research paper” in international conferences. He published mathematical books in Arabic language. He published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers in well-known international mathematical journals. He gave many talks as invited speaker in international conferences around the world. He is the Principal Investigator of a research group (RG024) at King Saud university. He supervised many Master and PhD students in both Algeria and Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Faez Amokrane Nait Mohamed
Dr Faez Amokrane Nait Mohamed is currently a Research fellow in Immunology at the Ragon Insitute of MGH, MIT and Harvard and a research fellow in Medicine at Harvard Medical School, working on Influenza vaccines and understanding how antigenic sites of vulnerability are initially perceived by specific germline B cell receptor (BCR) sequences and how that recognition process can direct antibody affinity maturation toward production of broadly neutralizing anti-viral responses. He holds a BSc in Biochemistry, a MSc in Pharmacology and a PhD in Immunology, all obtained at the University of Science and technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria. Before coming to Boston, he joined the department of Cellular and Molecular Biology at USTHB as an assistant professor and he was an active member of the pedagogical and external relations of the University. His hobbies are running, drinking coffees, optimizing the ergonomics of his bench set up and spending time with his family.
Dr. Malika Aid-Boudries
Dr. Aid-Boudries is an Assistant professor of Medicine at the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research (CVVR). She received her Ph.D. in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics from the Center for Immunology and Cancer at the University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. At CVVR, her research focuses on developing computational pipelines and machine learning-based approaches (ML/AI) to investigate OMICS signatures associated with disease pathogenesis, baseline and post-vaccination predictor biomarkers of vaccines immunogenicity, and durability. Dr. Boudries is also exploring disease pathogenesis through epigenetics profiling, with a keen interest in decoding the epigenetics determinant of HIV integration and the latent HIV reservoir maintenance and persistence.
Dr. Bilal Djeghout
Dr. Djeghout is a post-doctoral research scientist at the Quadram Institute Bioscience, England, United Kingdom. He has built his expertise in microbial genomics and metagenomics of intestinal infectious diseases at the Quadram Institute in Dr. Nicol Janecko’s research group which focuses on characterising microbial threats in the food chain through culture based and metagenomic approaches. Dr. Djeghout designed a targeted metagenomic method from sample processing to sequencing for the detection and characterisation of Campylobacter in campylobacteriosis human cases. Moreover, he is presently involved in analysing metagenomic sequencing data to decipher microbial ecosystems’ diversity, composition, and functionality. Previous to this, Dr Djeghout was obtained a BSc and MSc degree from the University of 8 May 45 in Guelma, Algeria, and PhD in microbiology from the School of Life Sciences and Biotechnologies at the University of Sassari, Italy. His dissertation project was the genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Salmonella serovars and antimicrobial resistance determinants isolated from human and poultry samples. An advocate for scientific collaboration, Dr Djeghout is passionate about fostering interdisciplinary research and bridging global Sci-Tech communities, including initiatives supporting Algerian scholars and professionals worldwide.